Brandon House Hotel

Customer Stories
Brandon House Hotel transforms its hospitality hiring process into a hiring machine

Discover how Brandon House Hotel & Solas Croi Spa achieved remarkable growth in the competitive hospitality industry. Explore the case study on how Occupop's recruitment software streamlined their hiring process, reduced costs, and led to a 50% increase in their team.

Brandon House Hotel transforms its hospitality hiring process into a hiring machine
50% reduction in time to hire and time to source
Halved the spend on recruitment costs in 1 year
Scalability: Achieved 50% increase in size, fast
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Brandon House Hotel transforms its hospitality hiring process into a hiring machine

The Challenge


The Biggest Challenge

The most pressing challenge for Brandon House was the relentless staff turnover, which made it exceptionally difficult to attract and retain the right talent. The traditional recruitment methods they had relied on simply couldn't keep up with the pace of their industry.

The Pre-Occupop Recruitment Process

Before adopting Occupop, Brandon House relied heavily on conventional recruitment methods. Their approach included newspaper and radio advertisements and networking events. However, these traditional methods proved to be inefficient and challenging to manage as their hiring needs grew.

Staff Growth Plans

With ambitions to expand their workforce by 50%, Brandon House faced a formidable challenge—high staff turnover due to the ongoing industry crises. This revolving door of employees presented a significant obstacle to their growth plans.

The Search for a Solution

The search for a more efficient recruitment solution led Brandon House to explore various avenues, including traditional recruitment methods and the potential of LinkedIn. However, none of these options offered the comprehensive and streamlined solution they sought. It was during this quest that they discovered Occupop, which piqued their interest.

Brandon House Hotel transforms its hospitality hiring process into a hiring machine

The Solution


The hospitality industry's challenges were evident for Brandon House: high staff turnover due to industry crises. They needed a solution that would break the revolving door of staff. While considering alternatives, they opted for Occupop over traditional routes and platforms like LinkedIn, as it seemed to cater better to their specific needs.

The implementation of Occupop was swift, with Howlin mentioning, "very quickly, a couple of days max," demonstrating the user-friendly nature of the platform.

Brandon House Hotel transforms its hospitality hiring process into a hiring machine

The Result


Brandon House Hotel & Solas Croi Spa witnessed a profound transformation in their recruitment process after adopting Occupop. Their time-to-hire and time-to-source were slashed by an impressive 50%, significantly reducing the tedious waiting periods. Hiring managers were able to review candidates twice as fast, and interview no-show rates were cut in half, creating a more efficient and reliable process. The heart of this change lay in the software's automation, centralizing all recruitment data and candidate profiles in one convenient hub. This not only eliminated redundant data entry but also resulted in substantial cost savings, as high as €280 per newspaper advert each month. The collaboration between departments was also streamlined, involving departmental managers early in the process, contributing to Brandon House's remarkable success story. As Pauline Howlin, their HR Manager, aptly puts it,

"The reduction in time and costs in the hiring process is fantastic."

Occupop allowed them to achieve these incredible results and significantly cut their recruitment marketing costs.

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