Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical

Customer Stories
Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical tames hiring compliance, reporting and contracts using Occupop

Midland Renewables, Heating & Plumbing and Kerrigan Mechanical needed to improve recruitment to attract the quality candidates needed. Occupop allowed the HR manager to easily manage the recruitment cycle and ensured the whole process was GDPR compliant.

Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical tames hiring compliance, reporting and contracts using Occupop
Recruitment costs reduced by 91%
50% Reduction in time-to-hire
Reduced recruitment admin by 65%
Instantly improve your hiring using Occupop
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Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical tames hiring compliance, reporting and contracts using Occupop

The Challenge


Danielle Dalton, HR Manager, came into a newly created position with HR previously managed by the companies managing director. There were no structures or processes in place for recruitment or HR. They needed to create a system to manage internal HR requirements like employment contracts, but recruitment taking up all of her time.

Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical tames hiring compliance, reporting and contracts using Occupop

The Solution


Due to access to multiple job channels and increased candidate quality, Danielle was able to fill a position within the 2 week trial period. Streamlining recruitment was easily achieved using Occupop’s automation features such as interview scheduling and customised emails. These features enabled Danielle to create an efficient, GDPR compliant process.

Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical tames hiring compliance, reporting and contracts using Occupop

The Result


Since taking on the platform Midland Heating & Kerrigan Mechanical have removed premium job boards, print advertising and agencies from their recruitment channels. Further to this, their time-to-hire has been reduced by half. Danielle has also seen the advantage of automation & A.I. to improve candidate experience and creating a talent pool for future positions.

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