PREM Group

Customer Stories
PREM Group tames GDPR compliance and saves 20 hours a week with Occupop

PREM Group is an International hotel and hospitality management company operating multiple businesses across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Occupop guides the hospitality company with an all in one solution, encompassing sourcing, candidate centric best practices and compliance.‍

PREM Group tames GDPR compliance and saves 20 hours a week with Occupop
20 Hours Saved / Week on Admin
100% GDPR Compliance
Decreased Agency Spend
Instantly improve your hiring using Occupop
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PREM Group tames GDPR compliance and saves 20 hours a week with Occupop

The Challenge


A lack of structured processes and predominance of manual processes made it hard to manage the intricacies of high volume recruitment hiring for the hotel group. Prem Group hiring managers spent a large part of their day-to-day managing multiple email inboxes and manually forwarding the roles and applicants to relevant people. With the onset of GDPR, the hiring team felt they were unable to manage their data and stand over the necessary compliance when it came to management of candidates personal information.

PREM Group tames GDPR compliance and saves 20 hours a week with Occupop

The Solution


Since implementing Occupop, PREM Group has transformed their hiring efficiency while staying true to their company’s mission and values of providing a high standard of service to their customers and candidates. The complete hiring process was centralised onto a single platform that provides structure and visibility into all hiring activities. The hiring team now have a more comprehensive view into candidates and their status in the hiring process within the Occupop system. Áine Clarke , HR Operations Manager at PREM added; “Occupop has really turned into our daily bible, one central point of truth, for all our hiring.”

PREM Group tames GDPR compliance and saves 20 hours a week with Occupop

The Result


Occupop has empowered Prem Group to execute a more structured hiring process and improve calibration across their teams. The hiring team were able to gauge the efficacy of different sourcing channels (such as different job boards and referrals) to better hone their recruiting process. Furthermore, Occupop was able to provide the peace of mind when it came to GDPR compliance

“Occupop has completely changed my working day. To give a sense of time savings, it has saved me at least 1 day a week on administration. As we continue to grow, we want to make sure that we are empowering our hiring managers to understand and use all of the functionality that Occupop provides. I place a high value on the support Occupop provides and ability to have a 30 minute training session with a hiring manager.

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