TCP Homecare

Customer Stories
TCP Homecare consolidated all their hiring into one central place with Occupop

TCP Homecare recruit for multiple positions which required posting to numerous job boards resulting in a time-intensive and inefficient process. Occupop consolidated hiring onto one easy-to-use platform.

TCP Homecare consolidated all their hiring into one central place with Occupop
50% reduction in time-to-hire
Reduction in recruitment costs by 70% per hire
50 new hires through Occupop in 12 months
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TCP Homecare consolidated all their hiring into one central place with Occupop

The Challenge


Due to their diverse service/client offerings, David Craven, HR Manager, TCP Homecare, had a need to be on many job boards, 9 in total. Posting each job individually on each job board was very time-intensive. Further to this, some job boards were expensive but were not resulting in the candidate quality and volume required. The team were also struggling to create a GDPR compliant talent pool for future positions.

TCP Homecare consolidated all their hiring into one central place with Occupop

The Solution


Taking on Occupop offered an instant solution to the challenges TCP Homecare were facing with posting to multiple job boards. The HR team could test and pick which boards worked best for them, they also could instantly post to social media and their careers page. The A.I. technology also greatly assisted TCP Homecare with their screening process; scoring, filtering and presenting the most qualified candidates first.

TCP Homecare consolidated all their hiring into one central place with Occupop

The Result


David saw the instant benefit of the software in terms of the time saved during recruitment particularly in terms of the reduction in time taken to post to job boards. Subsequently, the team have changed the channels they use, resulting in better quality candidates and a shift of recruitment budget to more profitable channels, resulting in a 70% reduction in recruitment costs per hire.

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