The Rolling Donut

Customer Stories
The Rolling Donut masters collaborative hiring across branches with Occupop

See how the Rolling Donut, a well-loved hospitality and manufacturing firm, fostered efficiency and cost savings through collaborative hiring and innovative solutions with Occupop. Learn from their success story.

The Rolling Donut masters collaborative hiring across branches with Occupop
Time-to-hire was slashed from weeks to days
Significant reductions in recruitment costs were realised.
Admin time was optimised through precise CV filtering.
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The Rolling Donut masters collaborative hiring across branches with Occupop

The Challenge


Before the dawn of Occupop, The Rolling Donut grappled with a series of recruitment challenges:

  1. Dispersed Hiring Dilemma: Managing vacancies across numerous outlets led to a logistical nightmare. Tracking available positions and keeping tabs on each hiring process became increasingly complex.
  2. Cumbersome Recruitment Tools: The exclusive reliance on Indeed, a popular job platform, proved to be a less-than-ideal solution for handling hiring needs across multiple locations. It was clunky and ill-suited for their diverse requirements.
  3. Replacing Departed Staff: With a primary goal to efficiently replace departing team members, there was an urgent need for a streamlined and agile recruitment process.

The Rolling Donut masters collaborative hiring across branches with Occupop

The Solution


The quest for a remedy led The Rolling Donut to the doorstep of Occupop, a recommendation that carried considerable weight through word of mouth. Occupop presented a holistic solution by offering a unified platform to manage hiring across all locations. This enabled each outlet to take ownership of their respective recruitment processes, liberating precious time for the HR manager to focus on more strategic endeavors.

The Rolling Donut masters collaborative hiring across branches with Occupop

The Result


Resolving the Top 3 Pain Points

  1. Recruitment Process Efficiency: The implementation of automation significantly enhanced the efficiency of the entire recruitment process. Manual tasks were dramatically reduced, freeing up valuable time for the HR team.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: With Occupop in play, the hiring teams seamlessly collaborated, fostering a cohesive and productive environment.
  3. Cost-Efficient Recruitment: Occupop's streamlined approach translated into significant reductions in recruitment costs, a welcome relief for the budget-conscious HR department.

Celebrating the Top 5 Achievements

  1. Process Efficiency: The infusion of automation brought about remarkable efficiency gains throughout the recruitment cycle.
  2. Hiring Team Collaboration: Teams rallied together more effectively, ensuring a smoother and more harmonious recruitment process.
  3. Cost Reduction: Significant savings were achieved in recruitment expenditures, making every hire more cost-effective.
  4. Accelerated Hiring: Time-to-hire was dramatically accelerated, allowing The Rolling Donut to fill critical positions with unprecedented speed.
  5. Enhanced Candidate Experience: Applicants experienced a more streamlined and user-friendly recruitment journey, elevating the overall candidate experience.

Tangible Impact

  • Time-to-hire was slashed from weeks to days.
  • Significant reductions in recruitment costs were realised.
  • Admin time was optimised through precise CV filtering.

A Glimpse into the Future

Occupop's implementation enabled The Rolling Donut to promptly replace departing staff, thereby supporting their strategic growth plans. As The Rolling Donut continues to chart its path forward, Occupop remains a trusted ally. It is anticipated that the platform will continue to save time across the hiring spectrum, consolidating all recruitment activities into a single, accessible platform. This will provide invaluable visibility into managers' recruitment needs, facilitating future expansion endeavors with efficiency and ease.

Occupop has helped us speed up the process of advertising the roles available, filtering through the applicants and arranging interviews all at a local level. I have visibility remotely on the platform and can see where my managers are at in the recruitment process. Our unit managers now own the hiring cycle from start to finish which removes me from the admin tasks and frees up my time spent that was previously spent managing the process.

Cian Murphy, General Manager, The Rolling Donut

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